Most Businesses that sell and install Solar are not properly licensed. Most building departments will issue a Solar permit to an electrical contractor alone; however, there are no roofing books or questions involving roofing to get an EC license. We know this because we have an Unlimited Electrical license).

What does this mean for the consumer? This means a crew under the supervision of an electrician is drilling holes in a roof and performing work for which a specific trade exists. This violates FL Stat. 489.537 see below. The trades are set up to respect each other, a plumber does not perform roofing, a Septic Contractor does not do HVAC, so why should an Electrician work on Solar? The DBPR (Department of Business and Professional Regulation) has created a trade at the state level. This trade is a Certified Solar Contractor or CVC license.
Most building departments and Authorities Having Jurisdiction are not aware of this and improperly issue permits under the wrong license. To fully install a Solar Photovoltaic system in the State of Florida, you need to have a CVC license or Solar Contractor to perform the structural work, roofing, and DC wiring. Also needed is an EC or Electrical license to connect the system to the grid and perform any additional electrical work.
Big Orange is one of the only companies in Florida that has both of these licenses. Should complications arise will insurance cover work that was not performed by the right contractor? One of the largest fears of homeowners that would like to go solar is roof leaks. Rather than having an electrician perform roof work, we believe having an appropriate licensed Solar Contractor will decrease your chances of having these problems.